So Where’s the Quilt Now?
Esther Bryan
One of the most frequently asked questions has always been, “Where’s the Quilt?” At this time in our journey this question is still regularly popping up, so it’s time for an update.
Currently the Quilt is taking a long-deserved rest. It is getting some TLC and curatorial caretaking. It has been exhibited nearly continuously since last November and has travelled thousands of miles in the past 8 months. In order to ensure the Quilt’s longevity and to maintain it in top condition for the future, the fabrics need a rest and a careful cleaning. As well, this fall, every inch of the 120 foot long piece will be meticulously inspected and any broken stitches mended. This is no small task, but it does need to be done on a regular basis. This work is lovingly accomplished by our faithful volunteers, for whom we are so thankful. Our appreciation also goes to the Marport-C-Tech Corporation for making their facilities available to us for all of this.
Will the Quilt be travelling again this year? Is there a schedule?
Yes the Quilt will be travelling again this year. We have an exciting schedule planned. Please refer to the Exhibitions page under the Tour heading.