Welcome to Our New Staff Members

Invitation is pleased to announce that new members have joined our staff, which include a Tour Assistant, French Translator, Web Programme Officer, and an Administrative Assistant.

Sylvie Perron, Translator, will continue the French translation of our book “Quilt of Belonging: The Invitation Project” due for release in 2006.

Lena Constantin, Tour Assistant, will assist the Event Coordinator in organizing and executing the Canadian Tour. This is no small challenge as the logistics of travelling involve planning hundreds of details.

R’Jeanne DesRosiers, Administrative Assistant deals with the sales of books which is already in its second edition, all the financial aspects of the project and admin. tasks as required.

Also new to the scene is Marlene Bigelow, our Web Programme Officer who will be working on updating our website as well as designing educational activities and programmes for the Quilt of Belonging.